
Showing posts from April, 2018

(post 53) - evaluation question 1

Q1. IN WHAT WAYS DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT USE, DEVELOP, OR CHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVENTIONS OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS? 1. What media platform have you used to present your video and ancillary tasks? From the beginning we have used a blog website called blogger to help us show the making of our music video. we used it for everything; this included writing blog posts, adding images or videos from online, inserting presentations and much more. Overall, it really helped create a mood board, so we could pull visuals of what inspired us, and of what we wanted together with our idea.  We also used YouTube to upload all of the practice (i.e. experimentation footage), research (i.e. audience research), planning (i.e. our ideas) videos that we had made along with our final and rough cut to showcase properly the production of our music video and ancillary tasks. We think this is the best way to present our work because it would reach our target audience fastest. If we were to use a different pl

(post 52) - final ancillary task 2

Ancillary task 2  Displayed above is our final outcome of our album poster. We have decided to use a simple photo of the two main characters within out music video (myself and Amelia). The photo shows two girls that we assume are laughing to one another and the camera has captured this moment they are sharing. Directly on top of the photograph we have added a title of the single and the artists name in the same font but slightly smaller. We have also added small logos of  iTunes and spotify for promotional reasons.  To edit our poster, we used the editing softwares named 'Adobe Photoshop' and 'Adobe lightroom'. Photoshop -  An image editing software developed and manufactured by  Adobe  Systems Inc.  Photoshop  is considered one of the leaders in photo editing software. The software allows users to manipulate, crop, resize, and correct color on digital photos. Lightroom -  Adobe Lightroom  (officially  Adobe  Photoshop  Lightroom ) is a family of image organiza

(post 51) - final ancillary task 1

Ancillary task 1  front and back cover These are the final outcomes for our digipak. The front cover shows a photograph of the two girls standing on a bridge.  We have decided to keep the front cover quite simple and only display the artist's name above the album title.  The back cover is a photograph of the trees within the image of the two girls. We then added another image showing a river to overlay. I changed the opacity within this image so you could see the image of the trees underneath.  We have also used the same font for the titles on our digipak and the video poster. This is because we want to keep our merchandise consistent.  Inside covers with CD This is what we imagine the CD to look like if it was to be taken out of the album panel. The chosen image works very well for this as the trees really stand out against the bright mustard yellow background.  Inside covers  This is the inside cover of the album. the panels that appear when the a

(post 50) - feedback on your rough cut

THE FEEDBACK FROM OUR ROUGH CUT:  For this post, I showed the rough cut of our music video to friends and family to see what their opinions were on it and whether they had any advice on what we could do to change it/ make it better.  I showed my dad first because I feel as though I should ask a range of different age groups to see whether they can understand the filming and to see what they like compared to younger/older generations. Dad - He said that the filming was "very natural" and "didn't look staged". This was something that we were concerned about because it can affect the video if it doesn’t look natural. He understood that the relationship between the two girls were sister’s due to how the old photograph was shown in the music video. He stated that it was a good idea we put that shot in because it makes it tell a story (from his words). Mum – I showed my mum the rough cut of our music video and her reaction was the opposite to what I th

(post 49) - rough cut

ROUGH CUT  Here is our music video rough cut for The Strokes - 'I'll try anything Once':  HERE .

(post 48): Post -filming video diary

POST FILMING VIDEO DIARY POST FILMING DIARY This is our Post-Filming Diary. So, before going into each shoot, we had a clear understanding through planning, mind maps and general organisation of what we were going to do. We played to our strengths of what each of us were going to organise, meaning we all had responsibilities, so we could get the best possible outcome. We also planned our shoots according to the weather, dates and times and each other’s lives. We took it into consideration that we all have to fit in around each other. To begin with, we also thought the most efficient way to get all the filming done to our highest standard possible was to have three shoots; 1. daylight outside shots 2. daylight inside shots and 3. night time shots. For this to happen we had to plan ahead, looking at the weather, outfits, and props before so that each day went smoothly. I think one we thing we did really well was work as a team seeing as nobody was doing more than anothe