(post 43) - FINAL: costume and makeup

No changes have been made to the Costume and Make-up plans since the planning stage so we are working from those Costume and Make-up outlines below.

Definition - 'a style of dress, including accessories and hairdos, especially that peculiar to a nation, region, group, or historical period. ... fashion of dress appropriate to a particular occasion or season: dancing costume; winter costume.'

The plan for our makeup and costume ideas are very similar. Because we want the theme to be very natural and simplistic, it wouldn't make any sense to have any bright or glaring make-up or costume in the music video, especially because the two characters are going away, just them, and not any meeting people but spending time with each other and therefore wouldn't have a full face of make-up. Similarly, the two actors will be wearing natural costumes/clothes for it to fit in the setting. I also want for the two actors to be comfortable in what they are wearing so they look comfortable on screen. Therefore, our cast and actors will be wearing minimal makeup and natural costumes. At the moment, they will wear their own clothes and no outstanding makeup. These photos were took yesterday to show and highlight what we intend to do within our final music video. these Images show natural clothing, as this was the models choice of outfit, natural makeup as it is very minimal and simple and finally natural lighting. All of these aspects will be used within our final outcome. 

Despite the performance element of the video below, "Want You Back - Haim" we quite like the costume element of this video, because it seems wholesome and comfortable, which is what we are aiming for. I think that they could have easily gone with more stand-out costumes, bearing in mind the lip syncing, performance and dancing, but the director and team have chosen to wear more natural clothes. Also, we like how the colours of the clothes almost match the scenic setting and atmosphere, like an early morning light. It seems to add a refreshing element to the music video. 



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