
Showing posts from November, 2017

(post 26) - Planning - script/ stage directions/ plot outline

SCRIPT/ STAGE DIRECTIONS/PLOT OUTLINES Script To plan our script for our music video, we firstly had to, decide whether we want any dialogue, or narration before we decide on a script decisions. We think, having looked at and observed lots of music videos, those with a story have a couple of lines of dialogue before and after the actual music. We considered using this technique to add to the storyboard but think as our plan is to montage a sister road trip displaying their love for each other, it would be hard to add in dialogue that suits our plot, because it changes a lot from scene to scene. Therefore, unless we come up with some suitable dialogue on the day, or one of the shots contains some talking, then we don't plan on using any dialogue, and as a consequence, a script. Stage directions Similarly, one of the first topics we talked about were the stage directions becuase it stems from the subject of the plot and how the storyline develops, and therefore, how you go

(post 25) - feedback of your audience research findings

The findings of the audience research task and whether it will affect our coursework video. That most people think that the target audience for music videos is younger people, and not many people from an older demographic watch music videos of choice; only if they are on TV in the background. That people aren't really aware of marketing/advertisement for music videos. It may make people buy a bands music, but some people believe that they will watch the video after they already know of the band, whereas others think that if they see are really good music video it may act as an incentive for people to look further into a purchase the bands music. The main devices people watch music videos on are TV and mobiles devices. How will this affect our coursework: By taking this knowledge into account, we are more likely to make our target audience people of the younger generations, as this seems to be the demographic that consumes music videos the most so they would be the most

(post 24)- Audience reasearch video 1


(post 23) - Audience Research

In this task, we were set to go into town which is a busy, built up area to ask a variety of different people what their opinions and views are of music videos and how they consume them. We have been set the task of starting our audience research for our coursework; which will give us a clearer idea on what the consumers would want to see from our work for it to be successful. We decided the most effective way of collecting this information is to make a video, asking people from around Wymondham and our sixth form to gain a further insight to what people think makes a good music video. By asking the public we will get a variety of ages, which will help us get more inclusive answers to our questions, rather than if we just stayed in sixth form and asked our peers. But by also asking within sixth form we get more information from our actual target audience, which is younger people as they are more likely to relate to the content from our video. There are the obvious 3 subject questi

(Post 22) - Forms and coventions

Another main form and convention of a music video is Commercial Exhibitionism . This means the spotlight is on the music artist which is selling voice, face, lifestyle, records. Success in charisma of stardom and sexuality. Within Commercial Exhibitionism there are two smaller branches, the narrative clip and art clip This technique can be seen through many various artists, one of these being the famous female artist Lady Gaga as she uses her body and unique image to sell records which is what enables her to be different from any other artist. Narrative Clip This is a short movie to a musical background it is a narrative clip. Pure narrative clip contains a visual story that is easy to follow, this contains no lip-syncing. Art Clip Contains no perceptible visual narrative and contains no lip-syncing it is a pure art clip. Artistic video uses more modern, experimental music, such as electro-acoustic music. Televised Bard The singer is telling a story, sometimes the s