
Showing posts from September, 2017

(post 17)- Ancillary Task 2 practice

One the left is the album cover that we were given to recreate for our second ancillary task, and on the right is our recreation of it. For our recreation we used my friend Megan as our model. She has relatively dark hair which is similar to what is on the album cover and was also free during the time we need to do this. To recreate the cover we used fake blood, eye liner and lip stick to create the blood dripping from the face and chin. We also had our model wear a plain black top so that she didn't get blood on her sixth form uniform and also so it fitted with the cover. This is a picture of me putting the fake blood on our model ready for the photo. We used tissues to dab on the blood over the general areas (lower face and neck) and then dribbled some down her chin to give it the effect that it was running down her face from her nose. We used this as a base for the blood as we planned on editing it to make it look more realistic on Photoshop. As I have neve

(post 16) - Ancillary Task Research

Our next task was to take videos of us interviewing people, answering the following questions: What makes a film poster/music album cover stand out from others? In what ways can you think of film posters/music album covers linking to the film plot/music video/song themselves? How much of a marketing tool do you consider a film poster and album cover to be? As a consumer, what hints/tips can you give us in regard to making our own posters and/or album covers?

(post 15) - Ancillary task 1 practice

We were given a task in groups of 2/3 to create a film poster in response to a ready made one from a previous film. Our poster was Rocky V: (this is the original) The one we made: We took some photos of Luke in the same position as the man in the Rocky V poster. We took a wide range and then selected the 2 most similar ones to the poster that we were given. We then moved them over to Photoshop and layered the two images over the top of an American flag, which was as similar to the original poster as possible. We then cut around the full body image, in order to get rid of the background of that photo in order to place it on top of the American Flag. Then we added the close up image of Luke behind the full body image. we put it all together, and in the end became a successful poster. 

(post 14) - my plan

Here are a few screengrabs of a Power point that Tazmin created explaining our idea as a group and what we are thinking about doing for our A2 music video. We included the good things to include in a music video and the less successful things to include:

(post 13) - Music video or short film?!

Which brief am I choosing for my media coursework and why? Our plan as a team, have decided that we want to carry on down the music video ideas route rather than diverging into short films. We thought that as we all haven't made a music video before, we wanted to try it and as we love music videos, we wanted to see what it would be like and if we were any good at it. As a group, we watch a lot of music videos in our spare time anyway, so we figured we have a lot of ideas about stories and artists, lip-syncing and ideas/settings/practicality. Based on our filming and editing skills, we also believe that it would be well suited to ours to create a music video, rather than a short film because m usic videos are often much shorter than short films, which means that we have to get a lot of footage into just a few minutes.   For our A2 media coursework we have the choice of either creating a short film or a music video. Music Video: Pros: You have more creative license as you don&